The Passion of The Christ – Jim Caviezel (complete interview).
I do not own this footage, it was intended for creative and inspirational reason’s only, and to show my love and grace for Jesus.
Brother Abdoo Journey from Kingdom of Darkness to Kingdom of Light
Defender of Islam became Defender of Christianity
Afshin was born in 1972 in southern Iran in a city called Abadan. His earliest childhood memories was the islamic revolution in 1979. When he was about 8 years old he remembers a plane flying about 40 feet above his head and a few seconds later there was a loud sound and the ground shook. This was the first bomb dropped by the Iraqi Airforce. At this point they got into a car and left everything they owned and went to a city about an hour away. When the Iraqi’s advanced they had to move four more times before they had to leave the country in 1987. As a 15 year old he crossed the dessert walking into Pakistan and witnessed
the poverty in Pakistan. From 1990-1992 he spent time in Bangladesh as a missionary while waiting to move to Canada. He is now the founding member of I AM Thirsty Ministries in Vancouver. Afshin is happily married and recently renewed his wedding vows for his 15th year anniversary. Afshin and his wife have four beautiful children.
Acts 2:32 we are all witnesses
Praise be the God Lord Jesus Christ. Many of our friends requested us to make a video about great people witnessed for God. Here you can find people witnessed Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Many video to come.. I dedicate this video for the glory of Jesus Christ, the one true God.
In this video i have included 100 Muslim converts, which includes Kings and queens of Islamic dominated countries, presidents and ministers from various islamic countries, Ex-Imams, Ex-islamic scholars, Ex- Qur’an preachers and researchers, Youngsters who become pastors and Evangelists, spots icons who converted to Christianity and many more.
Some of them died for their faith. they killed by their own family members, infidels, and terrorists. we continue to pray for them. Still many islamic countries are coming under God’s kingdom. surely His good news will spread. we can see many souls coming to Christ.
Ex muslim Tells His Near Death Experience (full length)
Nasir Siddiki was diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital. His immune system was shutting down and the doctors left him to die. Then he saw Lord Jesus.
[Muslim becomes Christian]
We are seeing the true colors of Islam, people are waking
up from there sleep